"Dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua." - Dr. Lorem Ipsum

Help us help nobody
We here at The Scam Foundation are neither a charity nor a foundation.
Our goal is to help absolutely noone and never donate our revenue anywhere.

Donate Today
Not helping her
Not helping them
Not helping him

Clean water is important

  That's great. Clean drinking water is really good to have, and everyone should definitely have access to it. We're not bringing it to anyone, and we're not planning to. We don't know the first thing about purifying water and if you tried to teach us, we wouldn't get it.

  You can do all sorts of things with water. Take a bath. Wash a car. Other things. Clean water should be a priority for everyone, but not us. Good luck, we hope you find something nice to drink. None of your donation will go toward anything to do with providing clean water.

  There are a lot of things you don't want in your drinking water, like poo, pee, and barf. That's just three. There are plenty more. Bacteria and viruses and microbes and leeches. That's four more things that shouldn't be in your glass of drinking water. You know what should be in your water? Ice cubes. They're made of more water.

Technology is advancing

  Wow! Look at that technology go! From solar panels to wind turbines, we're making sure to stay far away from any of it. We don't understand it, and what we don't understand frightens us. High-speed internet access and advancements in artificial intelligence are things that are happening right now, but that's somewhere else. Not here.

  In fact, we're kind of worried about how quickly technology is moving, and how much it's affecting the world we know and have become complacent with. If we were going to put your donation toward technology, we'd probably be trying to slow or even stop it so that we felt more safe and assured that civilization won't pass us by.

  You can be confident that when you donate today, that money will in no way be used to further any research whatsoever.

Look, a cute little tree

  Aww! Adorable! It's a baby tree that hopes to some day grow up to be a really big and strong tree like its family. The environment is integral to a happy and healthy population, but whatever. That's someone else's problem. Donating to our cause won't do anything because it's not really a cause.

  There's a tree on our grounds that's kind of blocking the view. We're going to have it taken down. Not with your money, though, because that would be too close to using it to affect the environment. Nope, never gonna do that.

  The closest your donation will come to any sort of environmental cause is when we order a salad and pay for it with foundation funds. Also, remember: We're not a foundation!

Is that a ghoul

  That is NOT good. Let's get outta here!
None of these people work for us

About our fake organization

  The Scam Foundation was started by C.H. Wolf in 2023, in memory of noone and nothing in particular. Also, it wasn't actually "started" because it isn't real and doesn't exist. Mr. Wolf launched the non-organization with the simple motto, "Yummy, yummy, give me money."

  Not known as an enterpanuer or a filanthropist, he also has never been able to spell them. He is a self-made businessman, except for all the help from other people, without which he would be homeless. Some say Mr. Wolf is "a wolf in sheep's clothing", and they'd be right because a sheep's clothing is wool and a lot of human clothes are made out of wool. Congratulations, you just played yourself.

  Left: A soulless machine's highly accurate rendition of Mr. Wolf.
100% of your donation goes to ill-advised purchases

The Scam Foundation is not a real foundation. It is not a charitable organization. It is not an organization. It is not licensed or legitimate in any way. It doesn't exist. It is satire. This is not a charity. This is not a charity. This is not a charity. This is not a charity. This is not a charity. This is not a charity. This is not a charity. This is not a charity. All donations go directly to the creator of this site, and none of it goes toward any charitable cause. This is a parody site. This is not a real charity or foundation or organization. We reserve the right to use donated funds for any purpose we see fit, including charity, but we do not promise nor claim to do so. How much more clear can we make this? If a lawyer is reading this out in court, I just want to say, hello, Judge! Your honor, can you believe someone actually filed a lawsuit over this? I am so sorry that they are wasting your time.